Since controversy Puteri Indonesia is worn swimming suit or bikini in Miss Universe event, many people have the opinion of each. It's a pro, but there is also the place level-if such is not necessary, followed by Indonesia, which still respects the traditional orient. Even so, Intan Ayu holds if the event Miss Universe and Miss World are still needed to convince the world about the culture and also security in the country.
"Still need to do to me. First, there may be some things that can be the face of Indonesia. Tasks they (and Puteri Indonesia Miss Indonesia) is more to tourism, to name a foreign country. Furthermore, Indonesia is currently a lot of problems," said Intan Ayu.

Intan Ayu Pamer Belahan Dada

Matter of controversy bikini, pesinetron this adolescent does not want to blame who. But if the rules committee of the Miss Universe has been applied as such, he felt it only fair.
"Apparel is a pool to show their bodies right? In addition to inner beauty, also must be shown outside the proportionally. From outside they must also be interesting, skins, all kinds. According to me personally should not be the problem," Intan Ayu explained.

Foto Hot Intan Ayu

"Yes, as long as participants feel comfortable, he does not reduce the trust, and know how to bring two piece, it will look OK," augment him again...
By Berita Artis Hot
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